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Later departures

The fastest way from Oslo Airport to the city centre

Flytoget’s express trains offer the simplest and fastest journey to and from Oslo Airport. We stop at a number of stations in the centre of Oslo.

The fastest way from Oslo Airport to the city centre
Flytoget på vei inn til Oslo Lufthavn
Illustrasjon som viser flytoget som stjernebilde som kjører i solnedgang

Don't worry, we’ve got you covered.

Early departure or late arrival this summer?

This summer Flytoget offers extra departures almost all night long.

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Travel guarantee

We understand how important your journey is for you. Flytoget’s travel guarantee is our way of making sure you get to your destination, no matter what disruptions you might encounter along the way.

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To unge glade passasjerer om bord i et flytog
Barn på reise

All children travel for free

All children under the age of 16 travel free aboard our Airport Express Trains, provided they are accompanied by an adult over the age of 16 (regardless of tickettype). Children need no ticket and will be let through the barriers at Oslo Airport by our security guards.

Learn more about traveling with children

Every 10 minutes

Departure every 10 minutes from Oslo Airport

19 minute travel time

19 minute travel time from the Airport to the City Center

Print bag tag aboard

And walk straight past the baggage queue

Flytag er montert på Flytoget, og lar deg skrive ut bagasjelapper på toget.

Bag Tag

The next time you fly, choosing the Flytoget Airport Express train will allow you to skip the queue for printing out bag tags. For with Flytag, you can spend your travel time more efficiently – and print your bag tag aboard the train!

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Download the Flytoget App

From the app you can see all departures in real time, and purchase tickets directly on your phone.

Download the Flytoget App
Flytoget app