The upgrade will affect some of our departures during the summer, which means that bus will replace train on the following departures:
- Drammen- Asker: from June 26th to August 9th
- Drammen- Oslo S: from July 3rd to August 2nd
The bus departures will correspond with the train departures from both Asker and Oslo S, but the total travel time is an additional 20 minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please note that the other stations are not affected, and that the trains departing from Oslo S to Oslo Airport will run as normal, but with summer schedules.
See our travel planner for updated travel information
Our travel planner at and in the app is continuously updated with information about where you can find our busses and when you need to depart, in order to catch your flight.
Our travel guarantee in the event of delays applies as normal but remember that you must add 20 minutes of travel time if you travel by bus for train.
When travelling to Oslo Airport, where does the bus stop?
The buses arrive at the parking lot at Tollboden
Where can I find the bus when travelling to Drammen?
From Oslo S: the bus will depart from track 19
From Asker: The bus will depart from Lensmannslia
We will of course be present with both employees and information if you have questions or need our assistance.
Flytoget wish you a great summer and look forward to welcoming you onboard.